24 July 2007

howdy tuesday...

been a while, but life seems have been happening while i've been away. mike had his subbuteo tourney this past weekend in st. louis. he came back with some t-shirts, a cool new cap that i'm going to steal and some more little plastic me. he had a good time.

anyway, this is what's happening right now:

gome-a-lux asleep in the closet, owen asleep in his bouncy, michael asleep in his bed. nice. and quiet.
gomey is still wearing the lamp shade. his stitches are out. but while they were in, he didn't get to get a bath and the fleas got really bad. when he got the stitches out, he went crazy and almost scratched his ear off. so i had to put another lamp shade back on until the Frontline takes effect.

i really am having scrapbooking/creating withdrawals. just been really busy. i stayed up all night friday night working on the store website. i had to install a new forum (old one littered with spam--what a bunch of losers who set up those bots). anyway, it's nice and new and i hope to keep it fairly spam free. and the new program allows me to delete more than one user at a time, too, in case i have to do a big clean up.

but see it all and tell me what you think: scrap 2 It! i'll warn you in advance if you still have dial-up...good luck with that.

that's about all for tuesday. i tried to make it talk to momma tuesday, but i'm guessing she went to her exercise class this morning...and i left a 'brief' message on her answering machine. :)

later kids!

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