13 August 2007

Daily Something #1

I've decided to take up one of Ali Edwards' challenges. I like to think of her as the queen of 'real scrapbooking' because she incorporates not just photos into her work, but 'stuff'; much like the stuff i've kept in boxes all these years. airline or movie tickets, grocery receipts, brochures, event programs...and do i have a ton of this 'stuff'!

the whole idea of this challenge is to take a few mintues everyday and write something down or create something. the something can be a story that came to mind during the day and then jotted on the back of an envelope. it can be a picture that you took and then digitally added some journaling...whatever. some days it will be a long story, other days it might be a slip of paper with a note.

well this little cutie might not be very important in the years to come, but it's something that i wanted to do and that made me happy. i had to start somewhere...and what better place to start my 'Daily Something' than with a new pair of shoes? a new pair of shoes for me! and it's a picture of my feet...never before seen on a scrapbook project!

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